Thursday 26 July 2007

How the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill action against linguistic brazenness by Crossrail hole plot backers has been proven!

The Crossrail hole Bill-backers' brazen language exposed their corrupt intent to deprive ordinary Londoners –

Muhammad Haque daily world [linguistic] commentary:

How the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill action against linguistic brazenness by Crossrail hole plot backers has been proven!

0405 Hrs GMT London Friday 27 July 2007

I must put on the record the latest evidence of the CRASSrail hole Bill plotters actually reading, studying and monitoring my comments and reports about the CRASS project [known as the ‘Crossrail Bill’, in the hybrid category, in the UK House of Commons] .

They have started to use words and phrases that include recognition of the transport needs and of the relevance to the transport economy of the region ['greater :london' and adjacent suburbs] areas to the East of london and even parts of the areas to the West of london as being included in the parts that will be served by their Crassly conceived CrossRail hoe project.

This is far more significant than may appear at first.

For years, I have looked for this recognition in the main spin, the statements that the Crossrail hole-imposing misleaders have issued.

And for years, I have looked for that particular evidence in vain.

And I said so in effect in a rare item – the rarity is in the fact of its being actually published in the ‘East London Idiotiser’ – a few weeks ago.

The timing of my comments as published by the ‘East London Idiotiser’ cud not be more appropriate in that the newly placed carrier of the CrossRail hole Bill burden, RUTH KELLY, was hard at work on what has now been delivered as the Transport Whitepaper, 'dealing' with the future of the railways in the UK.

So in the run up to Ruth Kelly’s statement [actually delivered in the UK House of Commons earlier this week] all the Crossrail hole plot backer spin masters and spin mistresses were busy doing their paid for lobbying and peddling and lying for the Big Business CROSSRAIL Hole Bill plot to rob the UK treasury of £Billions.

These same sources had been using phrases and words describing the CRASSRAIL project in sound-bytes of 10 words or so which included the heavy features of City of London, Canary Wharf and Heathrow airport.

Not so over the past few weeks since I published an updated analysis of how their language gave them away as tools and extensions of the Big Business conglomerates who were poised to rob the UK pubic of £Billions under covers of constructing CRASSrail.

I pointed out – again – that even the promoters of the Crassrail hole Bill were blatantly asserting that Crossrail was NOT about benefiting ordinary people of London but about linking Canary Wharf, the City of London and Heathrow airport!

'Stop the war' is a pro-occupation, pro-imperialist dangerously untruthful phrase when used about Iraq today -

Edited version at 0225 Hrs GMT On Friday 27 July 2007

There is no 'war' on anyone declared by Iraq -Iraq has been racistly occupied by the imperialists fronted by GW Bush

By ©Muhammad Haque_

2020 Hrs GMT London Thursday 26 July 2007_

_The UK lobby trading as 'anti-war' is showing its true colour by following – in the sense of using without qualification – the racist phraseology and the racist language of the occupying imperialists

Their ‘political’ cousins across the ocean in the USA are essentially the same.

They too want to call it a war as far as their references to the people of Iraq under US-ed occupation is concerned.

These ‘antiwar’ warriors do not recognise the people of Iraq. In that particular too, they are as racist as their so-called targets of 'anti-warrior criticism', the likes of GW Bush and Tony Bliar

Most of the ‘anti-war’ lobby’s front men and women may appear as vocally strident opponents of ‘war’ but they are in essence contributing to the grand imperialist lie that the world [ And THE PARTS OF THE WORLD TODAY] under attack of imperialist occupations and land grabs and resource misappropriations and appropriations are as guilty as the perpetrators of these acts of crimes against humanity.

This is illustrated in and by the terminology, the language, the imagery deployed by these self-styled socialists who are bigger propagandists for the racist lying machine than they would admit when challenged on the facts of their behaviour as paraders of a war that is not there and the deniers of a deeper seated occupation and daily slaughter that is there .__

It is very remarkable that it keeps calling for an end to ‘the war’ meaning the occupation of Iraq. But it does not say ’occupation of Iraq’ as the central platform f the alleged campaign against the occupation and the violation of Iraq and all that those entail.


Because ‘war’ necessarily and in the usage today, includes the active assumption that the occupied party also waged war on the occupier or on the occupying powers or forces.

This changes the balance of labiality and responsibility.__It makes the victims, the targets almost as guilty as the perpetrators, the invaders, the occupiers….___It is time that those, including the UK’s George Galloway, stopped using ‘war’ when they refer to the Iraqi people and the Iraqi community in the context of the occupation of that country by GW Bush and the forces of evil that GW Bush represents, symbolises, even epitomises and identifies with and incites against the innocent people of Iraq and in Iraq…

There is no 'war' on anyone declared by Iraq -Iraq has been racistly occupied by the imperialists fronted by GW Bush

By ©Muhammad Haque

2020 Hrs GMT
London Thursday 26 July 2007

The UK lobby trading as 'anti-war' is showing its true colours by following – in the sense of using without qualification – the racist phraseology and the racist language of the occupying imperialists.

Their ‘political’ cousins across the ocean in the USA are essentially the same.

They too want to call it a war as far as their references to the people of Iraq under US-ed occupation is concerned.

These ‘antiwar’ warriors do not recognise the people of Iraq. In that particular too, they are as racist as their so-called targets of 'anti-warrior criticism', the likes of GW Bush and Tony Bliar…

Most of the ‘anti-war’ ;lobby’s front men and women may appear as vocally strident opponents of ‘war’ but they are in essence contributing to the grand imperialist lie that the word under attack of imperialist occupation and land grabs and resource e misappropriations and approbations today as guilty as the perpetuators.

This is illustrated in and by the terminology, the language, the imagery deployed by these self-styled socialists who are bigger propagandists for the racist lying machine than they would admit when challenged on the facts f their behaviour as paraders of a war that is not there and the deniers of a deeper seated occupation and daily slaughter that are there .

It is very remarkable that it keeps calling for an end t ‘the war’ meaning the occupation of Iraq. But it does not say ’occupation of Iraq’.


Because ‘war’ necessarily and in the usage today, includes the active assumption that the occupied party also waged war on the occupier or on the occupying powers or forces.
This changes the balance of labiality and responsibility.

It makes the victims, the targets almost as guilty as the perpetrators, the invaders, the occupiers….

It is time that those, including the UK’s George Galloway, stopped using ‘war’ when they refer top the Iraqi people and the Iraqi community in the context of the occupation of that country by GW Bush and the forces of evil that GW Bush represents, symbolises, even epitomises and identifies with and incites against the innocent people of Iraq and in Iraq…